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Tags: japan

Webinar – M-Sec project overview

Webinar – M-Sec project overview

M-Sec is developing an end to end secure IoT framework that allows the transfer of personal data without additional safeguards between the EU and Japan. M-Sec complies with GDPR, PIPA ,the Adequacy Agreement between EU&JP. and will be validated through its two crossborder use cases. In this webinar Vanessa Clemente Núñez, from Worldline, the M-Sec […]

“We are aiming for a platform of services and tools which will enhance the privacy and security of communication in the future hyper-connected smart cities”: Interview with Antonis Litke, M-Sec partner

“We are aiming for a platform of services and tools which will enhance the privacy and security of communication in the future hyper-connected smart cities”: Interview with Antonis Litke, M-Sec partner

Antonis Litke is a Senior Research Engineer at ICCS, part of the National Technical University of Athens, and a technical partner on the M-Sec project. We caught up with Antonis to get up to speed on their latest developments in blockchain applications, how their work fits within the wider M-Sec framework at what the associated […]

“M-Sec will open a marketplace where people can exchange data, services & IoT devices through virtual currencies”: Interview with Vanessa Clemente, M-Sec EU coordinator

“M-Sec will open a marketplace where people can exchange data, services & IoT devices through virtual currencies”: Interview with Vanessa Clemente, M-Sec EU coordinator

Vanessa Clemente is from Worldline, the European coordinating partner behind the M-Sec project. In this short interview, we sat down with Vanessa to dive deeper into what are the goals of M-Sec project, how Worldline co-ordinates the 12 partner organisations that are behind the project, and to find out more about the development of the […]

M-Sec joins discussions on innovation with the EU, Japan and Korea

M-Sec joins discussions on innovation with the EU, Japan and Korea

M-Sec networked and shared ideas with similar cross-border initiatives at the session at the session ‘EU, Japan and Korea collaboration for breakthrough innovation’. Europe, Japan and Korea are strategic partners to address the world’s current challenges such as global warming, economic crisis, security threats, inequality, natural disasters and ageing society. On 3 December, professionals from […]

Competition: create a smart city app in 48 hours!

Competition: create a smart city app in 48 hours!

Develop a Smart City App with real-time data from cities and other data sources, using the FIWARE generic component framework. Show it to the world at the ICT 2018 Conference in Vienna and win prize money totaling 10,000 Euro. Fiware ICT Challenge Vienna Vienna, one of the most innovative cities in the world, has teamed […]

The European and Japanese partners behind M-Sec meet in Barcelona, Spain

The European and Japanese partners behind M-Sec meet in Barcelona, Spain

On 16-18 October 2018, the global partners behind M-Sec will gather in Barcelona, Spain, for their first in-person meeting. The partners will travel from over Europe and Japan to meet in the ‘Poble Nou’ district of Barcelona. This neighbourhood, whose name aptly means ‘New town’ in Catalan, was originally an area penned for industrial growth […]

お知らせ 「欧州との連携によるハイパーコネクテッド社会のためのセキュリティ技術」の共同研究開発を開始

お知らせ 「欧州との連携によるハイパーコネクテッド社会のためのセキュリティ技術」の共同研究開発を開始

The following is a news item published originally on the NTT website, announcing the M-Sec Project and its goals. Original article (please adjust your google translate widget to see the original or translated version): https://business.ntt-east.co.jp/topics/2018/09_18.html 2018å¹´9月18æ—¥ 東日本電信電話株式会社 東日本電信電話株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:井上福造)は、学校法人慶應義塾 慶應義塾大学SFC研究所(神奈川県藤沢市、所長:田中浩也)、国立大学法人横浜国立大学(神奈川県横浜市、学長:長谷部勇一)、大学共同利用機関法人情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所(東京都千代田区、機構長:藤井良一)、学校法人早稲田大学(東京都新宿区、総長:鎌田薫)、株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・データ経営研究所(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:川島祐治)と共に、欧州委員会(EC)が実施するHORIZON2020※1と連携して、国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構が研究委託する 「欧州との連携によるハイパーコネクテッド社会のためのセキュリティ技術※2の研究開発」を2018å¹´7月1日に受託しました。 今後、神奈川県藤沢市と本研究の一環として、2019年よりフィールドトライアルを実施する予定です。 なお、本研究では、欧州連合(以下 EU)と連携いたしますが、EUの共同研究者としては、Worldline Iberia SA (スペイン)、National Technical University of Athens (ギリシャ)、Commissariat à lʼEnergie Atomique et […]

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